Since my last post, I have been exploring the city a bit (view all pictures under travel). The most notable thing here is that the buildings are huge! I mean, words can probably not describe it but absolutely humongous! Like I was thinking, let's walk to the place where I'll perform my internship, it doesn't seem that far on the map. Just a few streets and I'll be there. NO! Just to give you an idea: BMC (where I'll perform my internship) is 350 meters long and 130 meters wide! Not only that, it has also multiple floors (2-3).

After this long walk (in which I also went to some other parts of town) I decided it was time to buy a bike. And so I did, after looking for a while I found a decent looking bike for a decent price! Now I can roam around as much as I want. I'm still getting used to it, but it's not that bad to cycle on the icy/snowy roads because they throw gravel everywhere!
Anyways, as the title of this post already suggested, tomorrow is the day and I'm exited. I'm looking forward to meet my coördinator, colleagues, fellow co-students and so on. But I'm also really interested in the research because it sounds so intriguing! More about the research when I have more information on the matter.
That's it for now. I'm just gonna enjoy my lazy Sunday because starting from tomorrow, it will be a busy time!