Monday februari 5th, the day before my departure. My family and I had a nice drink and some things to nibble on. Just like enjoying my last evening in Belgium.

For 4 months I thought I would need to bring a lot of stuff, so I thought I would need to bring to bags. However, soon became clear that one of my bags would be almost empty, so we stuffed everything into one bag, besides some hand lugage.

Tuesday februari 6th, It's D-day. Let's get this party started. However, don't be to active yet. I slept till 11am so I'm not to worried. Around 1.30pm we got in the car and travelled to Brussels Airport. Arriving way to soon of course, as my flight was only at 6pm. However you can never be sure with the traffic in Belgium. Once we got there we drank some coffee and hot chocolate. Then I was on my own in the big bad world!

I got onto the plane and of we went! Surprisingly we got some food and drinks on the plane which was nice, and actually not that bad! We even got some Swedish chocolates. Of course they are not as good as Belgian chocolate. But it wasn't bad ;). You can find some pictures of it in the food section. Other pictures of the flight, you can find in the travel section!
When I arrived after my 2 hour flight, I had to take the bus from the airport to Uppsala central station. There I met my "landlord" and we got into his car and drove to the apartment. He's an awesome guy and after the information part, we grabbed a beer and shared a drink. And so we come to the conclusion of this first real blog. I'm just laying in my bed, satisfied to be here without having faced any problems. And tomorrow I will get even more information!
See you soon in the next blog!